
Can you imagine just tapping your problems away? Sound too simple to believe? It’s actually true. Through Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), people can be released from the grip of traumas and physical ailments. For thousands of years, healers have understood that the body and mind can help heal itself by releasing imbalances in energy that interrupt normal physical and emotional functions.

To discover more about this fascinating technique, read the questions and answers from Hector Mota, Holistic Health Practitioner, at Touch of Energy in San Diego, California.

What is EFT?

Emotional Freedom Techniques, also known as ‘tapping’, is a user-friendly energy/meridian therapy. EFT uses a holistic approach to medicine and mental health to rapidly and safely release stuck energetic imbalances and emotions in the body.  The main discovery and foundational principle behind EFT is that the cause of all negative emotions and conditions is a disruption in the body’s energy system.

What are some of the components of EFT?

EFT is the most widely used of all energy psychology and energy medicine methods.  EFT and related mind-body energy therapies stem from cutting-edge developments in the fields of alternative medicine, including acupuncture, psychology, medicine, kinesiology and quantum physics.

What is EFT used for?

Emotional Freedom Techniques is often used in conjunction with other conventional and alternative therapy methods to treat psychological and physical issues, alleviate stress and pain, and restore the mental and physical wellbeing of children and adults. This powerful mind-body therapy is used for clearing many negative conditions and in self-discovery.

How does EFT tapping work?

Gentle tapping or touching on various meridian acupoints of the body – while verbally or mentally saying a specific phrase and tuning in to the specific problem or emotion – stimulates and restores balance to the energy system. EFT provides noticeable relief by disrupting the nervous system’s ability to hold the original distress signals in the mind and body. The actual memory stays, but the emotional charge is gone, so the patient cannot be affected by it anymore.

How does EFT therapy compare to conventional methods?

EFT often produces extremely rapid results. In many cases, people experience significant changes in minutes, days, or weeks of use compared with weeks, months, or years with conventional methods alone. A complete round of Emotional Freedom Techniques takes about one minute and more rounds may be required using the original wording, a shortened reminder phrase, or tuning into a different focus that addresses various aspects of the problem or emotion.

What is the brief history of EFT?

EFT and related energy therapies have ancient historical roots.  Many civilizations throughout the ages, as far back as 5,000 years, have used the body’s natural flow of energy and acupoint meridians in their healing rituals.

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