
You may have a bun in the oven, but that doesn’t mean it gives you a free license to eat every crumb in sight. While cravings during pregnancy can be overpowering, it’s best to skip the junk food and reach for healthier options.

Not only is nutritious food better for the baby, it’s better for mom’s health, as well. So stop opening the cans of soda. Fold up the chip bags. Glue the lid shut on the cookie jar. It’ll be hard, but better foods can help ensure your pregnancy is healthy and successful – for mom, baby and the whole family.

Here are 5 good foods to eat while pregnant that offer a host of nutrients especially beneficial for expecting women:

Broccoli – Packed with calcium and folate, broccoli is rich in fiber and antioxidants. Make sure to eat it with iron-rich foods, like whole wheat pasta or brown rice, to help absorb the iron.

Bean & lentils – Pregnant women need 10 extra grams of protein per day – for a total of 60 grams – and these are an excellent choice. At 15 grams per cup, they’re also high in fiber and folate.

Non-fat milk – Even though a pregnant woman’s body is absorbing nearly twice as much calcium from her food as usual, she still needs nearly 4, 8-ounce glasses of milk to get the full daily requirement of 1,000 milligrams of protein.

Bananas – Rich in potassium, bananas also help with fatigue by giving an ample boost of potassium. They’re also easy to digest, which can be helpful when morning-sickness or nausea strikes.

Eggs – While meat can make pregnant women feel nauseated, eggs are an easy alternative for protein. If the aroma is still unsettling, try hard-boiling them and storing them in the refrigerator to have on hand whenever cravings strike.

For more food options that pregnant women need, read about 15 Pregnancy Power Foods.

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