
We often spend so much time at work that we don’t have the energy to exercise. Gym bag packed and with full intention of exercising, often the day slips by without fitting in time for fitness.

If this happens to you on a regular basis, you may want to consider working out – at work. Invite one of your workplace pals to take a walk or maybe even organize a fitness class.  Getting co-workers to engage in some physical activity not only helps your waistlines, it also benefits the company.

Scientists have determined that people who exercise at work are more productive, happier and suffer less stress. Those who exercised were better equipped to handle whatever happens throughout the day.

Even if your workplace isn’t ready to embrace flex schedules for exercise or sponsor lunchtime classes, here are 5 workplace fitness ideas that can help you not only build your work friendships, but also your strength and endurance:

  • Create a walking route for co-workers and spend short breaks – even 15 minutes – chatting while exercising.
  • If 15 minutes is impossible, try just a 2- to 3-minute fitness break by taking a brisk walk, stretching or climbing stairs.
  • Organize lunchtime walking, running, bicycling or yoga groups.
  • Instead of one-on-one meetings seated at a conference room, make it a walking meeting.
  • Gather a group of co-workers to be active in their work areas by stretching during meetings or pumping out a few desk pushups while collaborating.

No matter how you do it – taking the stairs instead of the elevator or parking at the far end of the lot – try fitting in a few minutes of exercise every day at work to boost your energy and performance.


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