2014-01-29 2512473

Enjoying flavorful foods is one of the greatest things in life – and the health benefits of spices are even better. No matter what type of food you like, there’s something very comforting about sitting down and enjoying delicious meals.

The good thing about delectable food is that the more spicy it is, the more nutritious it often is, as well. And by ‘spicy’, we’re not talking about 3-alarm, mouth burning foods, but a variety of spices from around the world. Some may already be in your spice rack, while some of these you may want to add after you learn about their special properties.

Here are 5 fairly common spices – along with their health benefits – that you can easily start adding to your meal plans.

Turmeric – This bright yellow spice is also a powerful medicine that has long been used in Asian dishes. Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, Turmeric helps with a variety of conditions, including bruises, chest pain and toothaches.

Paprika – More than just a colorful topping on foods, paprika contains capsaicin that is another anti-inflammatory that helps reduce swelling around the body. Its powerful antioxidant effects also help lower the risk of cancer.

Ginger – This zesty herb most often seen in thick slices on a sushi platter, ginger helps with nausea and cramps. Besides that, it also helps reduce joint pain and helps fire up digestive juices. It’s also a wonderful way to reduce throat and nasal congestion.

Oregano – So common to Mediterranean cuisine, people love oregano because of its unique aroma and flavor. In addition to tasting great, it also features powerful antioxidants and anti-bacterial properties. It’s also rich in Vitamin K, which is important to maintaining bone density.

Garlic ­– Common in so many recipes, garlic is related to onions, chives and leeks. Having strong sulfur compounds, garlic has been found to lower cancer risk and help eradicate brain cancer cells. Garlic is also a powerful antibiotic and helps relieve the symptoms of osteoarthritis.

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