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Testicular cancer may not be as common as some other men’s conditions, but it’s still important to be informed.

Affecting younger males ages 15 – 34, testicular cancer is diagnosed in about 8,000 males each year. With cure rates as high as 95% if found and treated early, only about 1 in 5,000 die from it each year. Unfortunately, that’s still about 400 annually.

There’s no way to prevent testicular cancer, but it can be fairly easy to spot. Through self-examination, you can detect testicular cancer in its earliest stages. If a lump is discovered, you should see a doctor right away.

If you have been diagnosed with testicular cancer, your doctor will suggest a treatment plan that might include surgery. Your doctor will consider factors such as your health and your specific type of testicular cancer to determine your best treatment. Thankfully, testicular cancer is highly treatable and curable.

In Part 3 of the series, we’ll feature mental health and the special challenges men experience in dealing with mental health issues.

Sources: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/testicular-cancer/DS00046


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