men's legs walking

To reap any benefits from exercise, we often think we need to be running a full marathon or hoisting heavy dumbbells high over our head. While those spectacular feats of athleticism may be perfect for some, there are simpler ways to exercise. And when we say simple, we mean it.

Believe it or not, just plain walking is a wonderful way to stay fit. By taking a stroll for just 15 minutes a day, you can extend your life by three years. You can also cut your chances of dying early from just about anything by nearly 15%. The benefits of walking every day are impressive.

And if you can double that to 30 minutes and pick up the pace to a brisk stride, you’ve just given yourself a natural antidepressant, increased your survival rate from a heart attack by 80%, and for women, reduced your risk of breast cancer by 30%. Talk about multi-tasking. That’s not all. There are countless benefits from taking a jaunt in the great outdoors:

  • Reduce your risk of coronary heart disease
  • Improve your blood pressure
  • Lower your blood sugar and risk for type 2 diabetes
  • Maintain your weight
  • Lower your cholesterol
  • Reduce your risk of osteoporosis
  • Enhance your well being
  • Reduce your risk of colon cancer

Those are some pretty amazing results from doing something so easy and fun. Easy, for sure, but is walking fun? Of course it can be! Here are some tips for enjoying your trek in the fresh air:

  • First, make sure to wear comfortable walking shoes and loose clothing
  • Clear your mind and enjoy the surrounding nature – whatever the season
  • If you’re a music lover, make a special playlist ­– the time will fly right by
  • Listen to an audio book – now you can finally ‘read’ a classic or bestseller
  • Make it an adventure – explore new parts of your neighborhood or town
  • If the weather is bad, consider walking in the mall – always new things to see
  • Enjoy the time alone or ask a friend to join – perfect time to chat and catch up
  • Make it part of your daily routine – no matter if it’s morning, noon or evening

Keep in mind, although walking 30 minutes a day is highly beneficial, any amount of time will help. If 15 minutes is even more than you can handle at first, just walk as long as you can, then increase it over time.  No matter how fast – or how far ­– you go, remember to always enjoy the sites as you make strides to better health.

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