
While there are many eye conditions which affect people in different ways, macular degeneration slowly destroys sharp, central vision. This makes it difficult for people to see fine details or read.

This condition most often affects older people, which is why it is more commonly referred to as age-related macular degeneration. While the condition is rare in people before age 55, it most often occurs in people 75 years or older.

Discover more about macular degeneration through the questions and answers below:

What causes macular degeneration?

Macular degeneration is caused by damage to the blood vessels that supply the macula, the part of the retina that makes vision sharper and more detailed. The retina’s job is to change light and images into nerve signals that are sent to the brain.

What are the risks for macular degeneration?

  • Family history
  • Being Caucasian
  • Smoking cigarettes
  • High-fat diet
  • Being female

What are the different types of macular degeneration?

There are both dry and wet macular degeneration.

  • Dry occurs when blood vessels under the macula become thin and brittle, with small yellow deposits forming, which are called drusen.
  • Wet only occurs in about 10% of the people when new and abnormal, and very fragile, blood vessels grown under the macula. Eventually, these vessels leak fluid and blood, which result in a loss of vision.

What are some of the symptoms?

While with both types – dry and wet – vision loss can occur quickly, they both have different symptoms.

  • Dry – People with macular degeneration can see well enough to walk and do daily activities, however, objects in the center part of vision are distorted and dim, and the colors look faded.
  • Wet – The most common symptom is that straight lines look distorted and wavy. Small dark spots in the center of one’s vision get larger over time.

What types of treatment are available?

While a doctor will be the best source to recommend treatments, those with early macular degeneration, and do not smoke, can help reduce further damage by taking a combination of certain vitamins and antioxidants:

  • Vitamin C
  • Beta-carotine
  • Zinc
  • Copper
  • Lutein
  • Zaxanthin

Other specialty treatments include:

  • Laser surgery – a small beam of light destroys abnormal blood vessels
  • Photodynamic therapy – light activates a drug that destroys leaking blood vessels
  • Special medicines – drugs that prevent new blood vessels forming.

What can help prevent it?

Although there is no way to prevent macular degeneration, certain lifestyle choices can lower the chances of developing this eye condition:

  • Do not smoke
  • Eat fruits and vegetables
  • Reduce animal fat
  • Exercise regularly
  • Maintain a healthy weight

Early detection of vision changes leads to earlier treatment and better outcomes. If you experience any changes in your vision, especially straight lines appearing wavy, it is best to contact your eye doctor immediately.


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